20 Places That Don’t Feel Real

Most of you visited the lakes that certainly would have crystal clear water with mountains rolling around them, but how many saw a lake with rose colored water? There are still a number of spots on earth that challenge the rules of nature and break them with their distinctiveness. These are places that don’t feel real however, they are still not alien or from the other planets.

Let’s get into the details of the 20 most unusual places that don’t feel real at all.

1. Spotted Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Spotted Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Spotted Lake is the most unreal place on earth that is situated in British Columbia, Canada. Standing at the bank of the spotted lake and having an experience of a stunning sunset by looking at the reflection of the sun on the surface of the lake is awesome to observe.

2. The Giant’s Causeway, North Ireland

The Giant’s Causeway, North Ireland

The Giant’s Causeway is situated in North Ireland that doesn’t feel real. These are 40,000 black basalt columns that are standing against the sea of Scotland. The locals have an interesting story or myth behind the bizarre structure. The Giants Causeway is the hurdle between two giants that were present on the different islands to stop them from fighting.

3. Thor’s Well, Oregon, USA

Thor’s Well, Oregon, USA

Thor’s Well is situated in Oregon, USA, a weird place in the world. It’s around a six-meter deep hole that legends say is created by thunder when it strikes the earth. The Well is also termed the drainpipe of the Pacific. The place is dangerous so it’s better you stay away and stick to the paved path only.

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4. Pamukkale, Turkey

Pamukkale, Turkey

Pamukkale is situated in Turkey and is one of the places that doesn’t feel real. The turquoise water naturally falls from the top pool to the lower hills. It is the best public spot to visit in Turkey. You can also swim in the pools as two of them are open to travelers, the public travertine pool and Cleopatra’s Pool.

5. Lake Hillier, Western Australia

Lake Hillier, Western Australia

Lake Hillier is a saline lake situated in Western Australia’s Recherche Archipelago and a place that doesn’t feel real because of its deep pink water. The pink color of the lake comes from the presence of salt-loving algae species and pink bacteria called halobacteria.

6. Badab-e Surt, Iran

Badab-e Surt, Iran

Badab-e Surt is an unrealistic place on earth situated in Iran. It is formed because of the flowing of water over the mountains for thousands of years from 6,000 feet above sea level. The water dissolves a lot of minerals that come its way.  The interesting thing about the water is, it does not freeze even in winter.

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7. The Tianzi Mountains, China

The Tianzi Mountains, China

The Tianzi Mountains are situated in China and a place that does not feel real. The highest peak of Wulinggyuan is present in the same region. The famous movie Avatar was also filmed in the same stunning peaks. The four popular wonders are also part of the same territory, Rays of Sunshine, the Sea of Clouds, etc.

8. The Nasca Lines, Peru

The Nasca Lines, Peru

The Nasca Lines are situated in Peru and an unreal place in the world. These are lines drawn by ancient people on the soil of the Nazca Desert in the south of Peru. The only thing the researcher tells is the people of ancient Nazca are related to the water somehow.

9. The Bermuda Triangle, North Atlantic Ocean

The Bermuda Triangle, North Atlantic Ocean

The other name of the Bermuda Triangle is the Devil’s Triangle and is situated in the North Atlantic Ocean. The magnet poles of the earth and natural forces are unbalanced in the region that includes it in the places that don’t feel real. It’s so dangerous that planes and ships are instructed to divert from it.

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10. Socotra Island, Yemen

Socotra Island, Yemen

Socotra Island is situated in Yemen and is remarkably rich with a variety of plants and animal species. The flora and fauna of Socotra Island are so distinct that they are only present in this region. Every tourist wants to visit this unique place on earth.

11. The Hand in the Desert, Chile

The Hand in the Desert, Chile

The hand in the desert is situated in South America and looks like a place that does not feel real. It seems as if some artists carve the hills in the middle of the desert skillfully or a giant is waiting just under the earth and struggling to get out.

Watch Our Videos: Places On Earth That Don’t Feel Real

12. Chocolate Hills of Bohol Island, Philippines

Chocolate Hills of Bohol Island, Philippines

The chocolate hills of Bohol Island are situated in the Philippines and stretch over the largest territory. There are around 1300 yellow hills within 50 square kilometers. The yellowish color of the hills comes from grass that turns yellow because of the scarcity of water.

13. Red Beach, Panjin, China

Red Beach, Panjin, China

Red Beach is situated in China and included in places that don’t feel real. The red color is spread over the region that gives it a heavenly touch against the blue sky and surrounding green carpet of grass.

14. Plain of Jars, Laos

 Plain of Jars, Laos

The Plain of Jars is situated in Laos and looks like a barren tree cut from the trunks. However, they are not trees but tubular-shaped stone jars that were used for funeral ceremonies in ancient times. They still survive and gather mysteries around them that’s what makes them a place that does not feel real.

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15. Goblin Valley State Park, Utah, USA

Goblin Valley State Park, Utah, USA

Goblin Valley State Park is present in Utah, USA, and is a weird place to visit. These are a number of hoodoos that are carved by nature itself. This is a really fun place to visit with your kids for only a 20$ day fee to camp there.

Watch Our Videos: Places That Don’t Feel Real

16. Whale Bone Alley, Siberia

Whale Bone Alley, Siberia

Whale Bones Alley is situated in the colds of Siberia and is included in the list of places that don’t feel real. It used to be the slaughterhouse of the local tribes that were made of giant whale ribs right in the middle of the snow.

17. Glass Beach, California, USA

Glass Beach, California, USA

Glass Beach is situated in California and weirdest place to visit. The beach contains glass of white and green colors that are formed due to weathering in the sea.

18. The Catacombs, Paris, France

The Catacombs, Paris, France

It is the scariest place under a tunnel called Catacombs situated in France. It contains more than six million skulls of human domes just in a small tunnel. It might tell a brutal story that happened in the past.

19. Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA

Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA

The multiple colors of the geothermal geyser include it in a place that feels unreal. It’s located in Nevada, USA, and warm water is spread over the region of 20 miles.

20. Cat Island, Japan

Cat Island, Japan

Cat Island is situated in Japan and seems unreal because of the immense number of identical cats on the Island. When you feed them, it looks like all the cats are gathering around to prey on you.

Watch Our Videos: Places That Don’t Feel Real

Final Thoughts

Sometimes it’s good to leave your routine and wander in the world to find the places that don’t feel real. The reasons for their weirdness have logical explanations but still, the landscapes are so unique that is truly breathtaking and worth watching. The spirit of those places gives you a strong message that it’s alright to be different and beautiful at the same time. Let’s go on and plan the trip of your life! To ensure a convenient stay, check out lodging options with Cozy cozy.

Ferona Jose

Ferona Jose is a passionate travel writer and blogger at Travelistia. She has traveled throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. Her writing focuses on cheap travel destinations, travel experiences, cultural insights, and travel hacks.

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