Incredible Things to Do in Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s beautiful terrain, landmarks, lush forests, and diverse wildlife, are everything you can think of, this amazing destination has. Pacific coast is the best spot for beach lovers and the northern plains are famous among nature lovers.

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Costa Rica has a very diverse culture and places where a tourist can never get more excited than ever. This beautiful country has a lot to offer who wants to explore majestic spots for holidays. Here are some things that you can do while visiting this amazing country.

Corcovado National Park:

Wander around, discover the amazing Corcovado National Park which covers the area of 127,000 acres of the beautiful rain forest. This National Park holds 400 bird species and many of the birds are from such category which is not so common and you might haven’t see them yet.

Corcovado National Park

The wildlife of the beautiful park is incredible. Red-Eye frogs, naughty monkeys, squirrels, jaguars, and many other animals are residing in this park. Hiking experience in this park could be one of the best experiences of your whole journey so far. Don’t forget to consider this activity while you visit.

Rafting the Pacuare:

If you are an adventure lover and want a thrilling experience, rafting in the Pacuare is the best thing to do in your summer holidays. Fly through the beautiful canyons and pass through the rain forest for an adventure-filled time.

Rafting the Pacuare

There are gorgeous waterfalls and beautiful hiking, you can never get more of nature enough anywhere else. Rafting is the most adventurous part of the whole journey, class V rapids in the river are the most difficult to pass through and some of the courageous people or tourists take part in this. With the cultural people, you can have a two-day journey and enjoy as much as you want rafting in the natural river.

Diving Cocos Island:

Cocos Island is the most uninhibited and rugged, containing a beautiful marine park, best known for its hammerhead sharks, eels and manta rays. This amazing island offers a place to visit thousands of tourists around the world. Diving in the Cocos island, going down 1000ft. is the most amazing part of the tour. This is the best activity that you can do with your loved ones and get down in the water with your partner for lifetime memories.

diving cocos island

This experience gives you a close interaction with the water animals and you can even capture or record the whole scenario with your camera and share with your friends.

Playa Tamarindo:


playa tamarindo

Surfing spots in Costa Rica, this is the most ideal location for all-round year people who want to visit either in the summer or autumn season. With the experienced surfing teachers and schools and board ships, this place is the most thrilling that you will be satisfied at once after your first visit.

Poás Volcano National Park:


poás volcano

In the whole country, this is the most highly visited place where the countless number of visitors come and explore the Paos Volcano. With the beautiful museum and a gift shop, this park is the best spot to visit in your next holidays. You should visit the Botos Lake while exploring this natural park.

Museum of Stone Spheres:


Museum of Stone Spheres

Stones of Diquis are the most surprising thing in the whole museum, there are 300 of the sphere shape balls, purely made of rocks and the reason behind these balls is still a myth. In this museum of Stone Spheres, these sculptures are the best spot to consider for good photography. Tourists capture the best memories here in this wonderful park. While visiting this park, don’t forget to read about these spheres’ rocks and their reality.

Tabacon Grand Spa Thermal Resort:


tabacon grand spa thermal resort

The most wonderful and advanced facility is the Tabacon Grand Spa Thermal Resort which is best known for its waterfalls from 77 degrees to 122 degrees. The ground of this advanced thermal resort is designed in the classic Onsen style of Japan, giving the meaning of “harmony with nature in every aspect”. Tourists visit this facility to enjoy the best of their vacations and to achieve photography objectives too. The two twin rivers get divided and become the waterfalls to give a splendid view to its visitors.

Michael James

I’m Michael James, a professional travel writer and photographer passionate about adventure travel. Together, through my writing and photos, let’s discover the hidden gems and must-see wonders of our planet.

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