How Do Travel Agents Get Paid?

Travel businesses have become more successful and famous since the availability of resources and comfort.

People around the world love to travel on holidays and summer breaks, and in these times of the year, the busiest offices are the travel agencies. To provide ease and comfort to people on their trips and vacations, travel agencies have arrived and are changing the course of traveling. Traveling agencies help people in their booking of tickets, hotels, and guidance for trip locations.

For their work, travels agents work in two forms, either working under a company or running their travel business independently. A travel agency handles all the important things regarding your trip; the same goes for travel agents who work alone.

Have you ever wondered how people with travel agent tags work and get paid?

Let’s dig in and find out how do travel agents get paid around the world:

1. Service/Consultation Fee

As the name represents, travel agents get paid through their service and consultation with customers.

Travel agencies have lots of tasks about making trip management services. They book your tickets for airlines, trains, and buses and make bookings at hotels in different countries and cities. With all these services, you don’t have to do anything, and your trip is planned and organized by travel agents.

Travel agents get paid for charging a fee for all of these services individually or combined as a package. Moreover, travel agents also work as travel advisors. Their job is to provide suggestions for trip locations, hotel destinations, and any possible deals with a trip package. They also charge you for their consultation service.

2. Cruise Offers

Cruise businesses are a luxury trip but can also be afforded if there is some offer.

Many cruise business sometimes offers their cruise packages to customers. For that purpose, they need a travel agency or a good travel agent to spread their offers and packages to potential customers who can get their first cruise trip.

The cruise industry needs a lot of people to fill in the rooms of their ships, and for that, they also give commissions to travel agents, who in turn have to get the rooms booked by clients. The roundabout price for booking a space for a cruise trip is $1000 to $2000.

Travel agents’ standard commission rate is 12%, and their commission is paid on untaxed costs.

3. Commissions

Commissions are a big part of the travel agent job; most times, these agents earn more than their average cost by commissions.

The airline flights and hotel bookings have their rates fixed with travel agencies and companies for every booking of their service by customers will give commission to the travel agents.

For domestic flights, travel agents earn 5% and 10-20% for international flights. If you book airline tickets or hotel rooms for higher prices, like $200 to $300, the travel agents will get a $20 to $30 commission for their service.

4. Renting Cars

Nobody wants to travel in taxis in a new city, so renting cars from rental car companies is better. Travel agents are also connected with transport companies and can also get to book your vehicles if you are in a new city or region. They are paid for bringing every customer who wants to use the transport company services.

Car rental companies also give commissions to agents on their service, and agents can earn a $20-$45 flat fee for making their rental car reservations.

5. Travel Insurance

This is a luxury travel assistance for you but a perfect earning way for a travel agent.

Travel insurance plans come into action when there is some financial risk or loss that happens to you while you are on your trip. The risk can include loss of luggage, missed flights, booking cancellations, and medical emergencies. The insurance is availed when you provide proof of your loss and medical condition to the travel agencies.

Travel agents can earn a lot by selling travel insurance to customers as this service has big commissions for them.

6. Organizing Tours

This is another way of making money, and travel agencies best provide this service.

Special tours for particular events or yearly tours are organized by travel agencies. In this offer, it is the responsibility of the agency to provide all the services of the trip to customers. This includes hotel bookings, airline or bus tickets, and event participation. The organized tours can be both for local people and VIP treatments.

Tour organizing service is a significant and costly task, but if services are provided with care, and customers feel good about your agency’s services, this is a great way to make lots of money.

7. Airline Tickets Service

The service for airlines works in two ways; first, airlines have contracts with travel agencies, and as a result, travel agents have to sell airline tickets to customers. Second, customers can book their airline tickets with the consultation of travel agencies. The travel agent’s job is to provide all the details and the quality of the airline company, and they also have to book flight tickets.

Airline companies give special commissions to agents for every flight booking they get for their company. In this way, travel agents earn double the money, i.e., from customers to book their flights and commission from airline companies.

8. Hotel Room Booking

Like airline tickets, booking hotels in different countries and cities also comes with commissions.

Travel agents offer customers the best hotel destinations for holidays and potential discounts. Their job is to help customers book the best hotel for their holiday; in return, the hotel pays the agents for bringing customers to their hotels.

The commissions go into the agents’ pockets for every customer the agency brings.

9. Travel Itinerary

A travel itinerary is a unique tour plan for people who want to travel the whole world. This plan includes all your destination spots, your wish list, your hotel stay, your favorite style of travel, your interests, and your schedules. 

All of your travel plans are covered in this package, and who designs this package, travel agencies. They are responsible for going through your extensive travel plans and then providing you with all services in this travel package. This plan is comprehensive, and traveling the world is not easy, and it is not easy without experience. Therefore, travel agencies come into action and provide you with all assistance and services to enjoy your trips worldwide.

10. Serving Clients for Trips

For people with a busy schedule, making arrangements for their trips is hard, and they want someone else to do their job to save themselves from the headache of travel bookings.

With their knowledge, travel agents do all this work properly, and customers can enjoy their trips happily. Along with booking and consultation services which is the only job of agents, many people don’t like the anxiety of confirming and canceling their bookings for trips. They want agents to handle that job. Many agents who consistently inform customers about their booking confirmations charge an extra fee for providing this service along with the generic travel service.


Travel agencies and agents have made their own industry by providing these small services to customers. With the passage of time and resources, travel stories sharing, travel agencies have improved their services by delivering bigger plans and on-time assistance and comfort to people to manage their trips so that they can enjoy their holidays and expeditions without any fear and tension and their services earn them lot of money.

Ferona Jose

Ferona Jose is a passionate travel writer and blogger at Travelistia. She has traveled throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. Her writing focuses on cheap travel destinations, travel experiences, cultural insights, and travel hacks.

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