Traveling to Maui Right Now? Here’s What You Need to Know

Like so many others, I had long dreamed of visiting the paradise island of Maui with its renowned beaches, forests, and mountain landscapes. However, I recently learned parts of Maui were devastated by catastrophic wildfires that have impacted residents and tourists alike. My heart goes out to all affected. While I still hope to visit someday, I know Maui has a long road to recovery.

Maui wildfire

Anyone planning travel there now should carefully research the current situation and restrictions in place to make informed decisions. Though facing challenges, the spirit of Maui remains strong. I believe with time and care, its beauty will shine bright again. Wherever your travels take you, go with empathy toward communities in rebuilding.

The Recent Wildfires

maui wildfires reason

I was so saddened to learn about the devastating wildfires that struck Maui in August 2023. From what I gathered, they were the worst in Maui’s history, destroying over 100,000 acres of land and homes across the West Maui Mountains. My heart breaks thinking about the residents displaced and businesses closed. I can only imagine the impact on the tourism industry as well, with many travelers having to cancel plans.

It’s unbelievable to me that dry conditions, high winds and human factors aligned to fuel the ruthless spread of these fires. Maui has clearly suffered an enormous disaster. News reports say recovery could take years. But the people of Maui seem resilient in spirit – already focused on rebuilding, though it won’t be easy. I admire their determination and aloha. It inspires me to help however I can from afar.

What to Do If You’re Going to Maui?

For those like me who already booked trips to Maui, it’s important we check for any travel restrictions before going. I’ve gathered only residents and emergency personnel can currently access West Maui hardest hit by the fires. But visitors are allowed in other parts of Maui if we take precautions.

I’m prepared to possibly encounter smoke and ash when I go. I read air quality might be reduced and visibility limited in areas. It makes sense roads and trails could also be closed where wildfire damage occurred. As eager as I am to see Maui’s beauty, I want to be responsible and check conditions daily leading up to my trip. The situation seems so changeable. I’m committed to following all restrictions and being flexible if plans need adjusting. Maui’s recovery comes first.

To prepare for my trip during this challenging time, I’m taking these tips to heart:

Monitoring air quality updates online and through weather services to make safe choices

Packing masks and eye drops in case of lingering smoke and ash

Avoiding hikes or strenuous activities that could aggravate conditions

Staying flexible to change plans if need be – safety comes first

Based on the latest travel restrictions, I know only residents and emergency personnel can currently visit West Maui affected most severely. But visitors are allowed in other parts of Maui if we’re informed and careful.

I understand conditions vary across the island. West Maui may still have poor air and closed roads. Other areas are improving with less smoke and ash. I’ll be sure to research current conditions in my specific destination on Maui as I get closer to traveling.

No matter what, I plan to follow all health and safety precautions as the situation could shift anytime. My heart remains with Maui through their recovery.

Here are some things to do in Maui when the wildfires are over:

Visit the beaches.

Maui has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, including Kaanapali Beach, Kapalua Beach, and Makena Beach.

Hike in the rainforests.

Maui’s rainforests are home to a variety of plants and animals, including the endangered Hawaiian monk seal.

Go whale watching.

I’d love to go whale watching and hopefully spot some majestic humpbacks migrating near Maui while I’m visiting the island. I heard you can often view them right from the shore which sounds magical!

Visit the Haleakala National Park.

Of course I have to make the trip up to Haleakala National Park while I’m there. Photos of the views from the top of that dormant volcano are just breathtaking. I can already imagine looking out over Maui from such an incredible vantage point.

Learn about Hawaiian culture.

And I definitely want to take the time to appreciate and learn about Hawaiian culture during my visit. There seem to be so many enriching activities like attending a luau dinner show or spending an afternoon at a cultural center to gain insight into traditions.

How to Help the Recovery Efforts

It’s also been on my mind to give back to the recovery efforts in some small way. I plan to do some research ahead of time into organizations I can donate to or volunteer opportunities where I can pitch in hands-on during my stay.

Even just sharing a little more awareness online could make a difference. I’m committed to showing my support however I can.

Best Beaches to visit in Maui Right now

There are just so many options across Maui for beach lovers like me. I know I’ll want to spend as much time by the ocean as I can when I visit to soak up the island’s magical shores.

Maybe I’ll just have to see them all!I was so intrigued reading about Honokalani Beach located in Maui’s Hana district. It sounds like such a special spot with black sand and epic views perfect for swimming, relaxing on the beach, and hiking the area. I’ll have to see if it’s possible to visit during my trip!

Reading about Maui’s beaches just makes me even more excited to visit someday! Kaanapali Beach sounds incredible with its soft white sand and crystal clear waters – perfect for swimming or just soaking up the sunshine.

I’d also love to find a more secluded spot like Kapalua Beach on the north coast which sounds ideal for peaceful activities like snorkeling and paddle boarding. The scenery looks so stunning there too.

Makena Beach is calling my name as well with its rugged black sand beach and dramatic cliffs! I can already imagine exploring the coastline and taking photos there.

And for a luxurious beach day, Wailea Beach sounds like the way to go. I could spend all afternoon lounging on that long stretch of sand and swimming in the calm waters after a day at the spa.

Best Rainforests to visit in Maui Right now

I’d love to explore some of Maui’s magnificent rainforests too. Iao Valley seems amazing with its towering cliffs and waterfalls set amid lush greenery. And I’ve always wanted to see native Hawaiian monk seals, so West Maui Forest Reserve sounds like the spot for that.

There are just so many options across the island for adventures in these tropical forests and all the natural wonders they hold.

Best National Parks to visit in Maui Right now

As far as national parks, Haleakala National Park is already at the top of my Maui must-see list! I’ve heard the views from the trail through the volcano crater are simply breathtaking. I also hope to check out the waterfalls and valley trails at Iao Valley State Monument.

Really, there are endless options across Maui for taking in the island’s most treasured wild places and landscapes.


Even with the challenges the wildfires have brought, Maui remains such a special place. I look forward to visiting when the time is right to aid Maui’s recovery in my own small way while soaking up its innate beauty.

Ferona Jose

Ferona Jose is a passionate travel writer and blogger at Travelistia. She has traveled throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. Her writing focuses on cheap travel destinations, travel experiences, cultural insights, and travel hacks.

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