8 Incredible Places to Visit at Night in Vienna

Vienna is a city of romance and culture. It offers a unique nightlife experience to its visitors, whether they are locals or tourists. Regarding nightlife, Vienna has something for everyone: art galleries, coffee shops, restaurants and bars that never close their doors. In this article, we are going to talk about seven incredibly places to visit at night in Vienna. 

things to do and places to visit in Vienna

1. The Opera House

The Vienna State Opera House is a beautifully ornate building and considered one of the top places to visit at night in Vienna. Located right in the centre of the city, it’s one of Vienna’s most popular tourist destinations, and there are always people milling about outside to take photos in front of or marvel at its beauty.

If you’re lucky enough to be visiting during one of those balmy summer nights when the opera house has open doors, you’ll also have an opportunity to see inside. 

There are usually plenty of productions throughout the year. Even if it’s not exactly one that speaks to your interests (or taste), it’s still worth stopping by just for a peek at this architectural wonder from inside and out.

2. St. Stephen’s Cathedral – One of the Best Places to Visit at Night in Vienna 

St. Stephen’s Cathedral is a Gothic church in Vienna, Austria. The cathedral was initially built as a Romanesque basilica in the 11th century and then rebuilt in Gothic style from 1230 to 1340; this gave it the most significant church area (at 140 m long by 90 m wide) of all cathedrals in Vienna. In 1614, however, it was decided to rebuild the church for the second time at its current location on top of Saint Stephens Hill (German: Stift). The architect responsible for this was Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt.

The cathedral has three towers: two on either side at each end and one central tower or spire over the crossing – these can be seen from many parts of Vienna and have become an integral part of its skyline.

This architectural form is known as the ‘High Gothic Style’, which flourished during the 13th-15th centuries and was influenced by French architecture. 

There are also influences from Italian architecture, but these were not apparent until about 1450 when there was a significant influx into Germany via Switzerland due to political unrest there at that time (this caused many skilled workers from Northern Italy to migrate south towards cities such as Venice & Genoa).

3. Belvedere Palace

The Belvedere Palace is a former imperial summer residence and now a museum. It was built in 1776 by Prince Eugene of Savoy on the site of an earlier building that had burned down. The palace has been expanded several times since then, with two pavilions added to its north side in the 19th century.

The Vienna State Art Collections consist of over 400,000 works—including one-third of all Austrian paintings and sculptures from the Middle Ages—and are displayed at museums and palaces throughout Vienna. The most famous piece in this collection is Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss (1908).

The Belvedere Palace is one of three places where you can find this artwork; it’s also on display at Schloss Immendorf, where it was initially painted, and at Schloss Ambras in Innsbruck (you’ll need a ticket for both locations). Explore these places to visit at night in Vienna in your following holidays.

4. Prater Amusement Park

Prater Amusement Park is a giant amusement park in Vienna, Austria. It is open from May to September and provides a fun day for families with rides, roller coasters and other attractions. The park also has a Ferris wheel lit up at night so you can enjoy the views while spinning around on your ride.

5. The Hofburg Palace Complex

The Hofburg Palace is the former imperial palace of the Habsburg dynasty and is one of Vienna’s most important buildings. It was built on a large area about 1 kilometre south of St. Stephen’s Cathedral and was used as an imperial residence from 1278 until 1918. Today it is still partly open to visitors who want to admire its architecture and history, but parts of it are also used for offices by Austria’s president Heinz Fischer.

The Hofburg is considered one of the most important cultural monuments in Europe; therefore, it has been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996 (together with other buildings). In addition to being home for various rulers over centuries, this grand building has been a residence for many artists such as Mozart or Beethoven during their time in Vienna!

6. Vienna City Hall (Rathaus)

Vienna City Hall is a historic building in Vienna, Austria, dating back to 1450. The building was initially constructed for the city council, but now it has been converted into a museum.

Located right in front of Rathausplatz (the main square), you can see this gorgeous building from all around Vienna’s centre. It is lit up at night and makes for quite a sight!

The history of this structure goes back centuries; it was built after a fire destroyed much of the city in 1469 and has been rebuilt several times since then. The current architecture dates back to the early 19th century, when Emperor Francis I commissioned it after another fire destroyed part of his original plans for this space.

7. Karlskirche (St. Charles’s Church)

The Karlskirche (St. Charles’s Church) is a baroque church in Vienna, Austria. Emperor Karl VI built it as an Imperial mausoleum and high point of his city.

The church’s façade has three bays, with sections separated by columns topped with Tuscan capitals. In between each section are statues that depict saints important to the Catholic Church: Peter and Paul stand on either side of the entrance; Saint Catherine is depicted above the first column to your right; Saint Hubertus stands above the last one to your right; Augustine sits on top of one column; John Chrysostomus sits above another column and Gabriel completes this group sitting on top above yet another column while holding his trumpet.

Karlskirche was built in 1716 as part of an ambitious project planned by Emperor Charles VI, which involved three churches: St Stephen’s Cathedral (Stephansdom), St Mary’s Church (Mariensäule) and St Charles’ Church (Karlskirche). 

These buildings were supposed to surround a large square where ceremonies could take place without disrupting traffic flow through Vienna’s streets for too long–something significant considering how crowded, many parts were due to ongoing construction projects since its foundation. Back then!

8. Naschmarkt Square Market

Naschmarkt is a famous market in Vienna. It’s open from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, except on Sundays. Naschmarkt Square Market is located near the Naschmarkt U-Bahn station and is a popular place to visit on the weekend. Vienna has many lovely places to visit, including many at night.

As a visitor to Vienna, you can enjoy many exciting places that are open at night. There are many great things to see and do during the day, but if you want to experience Viennese culture after dark, there’s no better place than this city. Some of the best spots include:

The Vienna State Opera House (Opernring 2): This venue is home to the third-largest opera company in the world and hosts operas from all over Europe. It also has six separate venues for concerts, ballet performances, plays and more!

St. Stephen’s Cathedral (Stephansplatz): This Gothic church serves as both a religious building for Christians and an important historical site where many important historical figures have been buried or worshipped at weddings (including Mozart). 

Step inside when it opens its doors at 6 am every day, so you don’t miss out on seeing everything inside while getting some fresh air before heading back into town later on in your trip!


We hope this list has given you some ideas for things to do and places to visit in Vienna. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want more information about any of these destinations or need help planning your next trip to Austria’s capital city. 

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Michael James

I’m Michael James, a professional travel writer and photographer passionate about adventure travel. Together, through my writing and photos, let’s discover the hidden gems and must-see wonders of our planet.

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